Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dot com to Dotcom to Dot com to Dot

Dot com to Dot com to Dot?

Today in our Information Technology class our professor took us on “a personal journey through the technology revolution of the 90’s to today (which has just begun to affect and change the world and individuals) using slides, props, and horse racing made up of plastic dinosaurs” that ate each other on their way to success.

The lecture was very interesting. We learned about a company named Prodigy that was owned by Sears and IBM. I thought that this was very intriguing because I always thought of Sears as a department store that nothing to do with the big business of technology. Another fact that I found to be odd was that CompuServe was owned by H&R Block. I thought wow I guess the money follows success, but that makes sense to me.

Boom!!! It is 1995 and the world wakes up to the world wide web. We learned that this was the year that Netscape with Jim Clark and a student Mark Anderson go public and become the most valuable company according to the “” Boom, but had no revenue! This is unbelievable how someone tells the masses something is worth a large amount of money and we follow like sheep.

Furthermore, in 1995 “Wired and Hot Wired”, MCI, How to Publish on the Internet, Pathfinder launched Time Warner, and the Advertising Age Magazine were all birthed. During 1995 Bruce Jacobson and Rob Glazer visited Cole and Weber and Real/ Audio launched along with the NFL’s web “The Chat before you Spat”. Later funded by SPRY and EDS Free Zone was launched. At Free Zones peak it had up to 450,000 registered users. The domain was created on January 18, 1995

In 1996 CompuServe bought Spry. “Acquiring Spry "demonstrates our commitment to place CompuServe at the forefront of the Internet industry"(New York Times). and Free Zone goes to Thompson Target Media along with their business with Baywatch and Nikken. The NFL had Star Ware which became We also learned about the US web. It was a web company that would buy up smaller struggling web companies, give them a bonus, and even let them continue their operation.

Finally, in 1997we seen the insanity begin to take place. Unfortunately, one the biggest problems was many investors were willing to overlook the traditional metrics of investing and begin basing their confidence on technological advancements.

The era was marked by the formation of numerous new Internet-based companies. Some of these companies were successful such as and E-bay, but some of them failed and completely went out of business.

Erik Hanberg

Erik Hanberg

On November 9th of 2015 our Information Technology class had the privilege of guest speaker Erik Hanberg. Erik was born and raised in Tacoma, he attended Bellarmine Prep high school and then he proceeded into his collegiate career at Carleton College in Northfield Minnesota where he graduated with a degree in English.

Erik is an elected official of Tacoma Washington, web developer, and an accomplished publisher and author. He is also the former Managing Director of the Grand Cinema and founder of the The Horatio Theater project.

During his visit Erik spoke on numerous topics on of topics was about the pros and cons of working online. It seems like the risk of working online definitely is worth the reward. For instance, he drew a graph on the board and I noticed that the potential of making a robust income is very feasible.

He spoke of when working online there is “no physical labor” however, this working online can lead to some people becoming lethargic, so he stressed the fact that it is imperative that you love what you do for a living. Another aspect that Erik mentioned about working online is that some of the things that you say may be taken out of context and him especially as an elected official he has to watch what he says. I like the quote that he used about working online “The amount of privacy you have right now might be the most privacy that you will ever have”. This is true and very disturbing in my opinion. Furthermore, he explained how 90% of your waking day is spent looking at rectangles. That is comical it seems like I am at about 60% already.

Overall I enjoyed our guest speaker. I have found that college has numerous avenues for education and this was a good example of that. The aspects of self-publication of writing materials, web development, and entrepreneurship are just a few prosperous attributes that you can pick up on while in college.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Epic Video 2015

Epic Video 2015

At the beginning of the film I was not able to deduce what was actually fiction and what was fact. However, during the introduction I did notice the narrator mention the death of the newspaper. I know that the circulation of newspapers has slowed down incalculably, but not entirely.

However, I did some research and found that Amazon was launched in 1994 with automated personal suggestions and Tim Berners Lee did event the world wide web in 1998. Furthermore, Google was actually launched in 1998. In 1999, Blogger is founded. In 2002, Friendster is released. In 2003, Google buys Blogger. In 2004, the rise of Gmail gives competition to Microsoft's Hotmail. Microsoft's Newsbot comes as a response to Google News. This all makes sense because the “Epic film was uploaded in 2007.

After that the film seems to hypothesize stating, “In 2008, Google and Amazon merge to form Googlezon.” Then he postulates, “In 2010, the news wars rage between Microsoft and Googlezon.” In 2011The New York Times sues Googlezon, "claiming the fact-stripping robots are a violation of copyright law", but the Supreme Court rules in favor of Googlezon.

I have never been the type that was always really up on media, so I had to do some research. However, I was pretty sure that I had never heard of “Googlezon” and it would have actually make sense for The New York Times to sue another media company.

I did find this film to be very interesting. I would like to see one that predicts 2025.

"Internet Scavenger Hunt"

Internet Scavenger Hunt

Now this was interesting our professor assigned the class to conduct an Internet Scavenger Hunt. Some of the items were obviously easier to find than others.

As I began the assignment one of the topics to be found was right up my alley. He wanted us to find an itinerary for 3 adults and 3 kids to a Disney resort. I cannot remember the specific location, but this was easy because whenever my family is going on vacation I do all of the booking.

There was about twenty questions and we worked in a group of three, so we tried to split the work up evenly, but there was one guy in our group that seemed to be able to find everything at a rapid rate. I must say that one of the most challenging questions was trying to find his middle sisters maiden name. It was like playing detective.

It took our group the entire class session and we still did not complete the exercise. However, there was one group that finished extremely fast and our professor was even amazed.

I believe that our professor was reminding the class of how fast and easy it is for us to dig up information online. However, there is a disturbing piece to this assignment. Some groups were actually able to find our professors middle sisters maiden name in about an hour!

"3 Things That I would not Buy Online"

3 things that I would not buy


  1. One thing that I would never buy online is jewelry. It seems like every time I see jewelry online; the price is just too good to be true. For instance, I once saw a Rolex watch for $450. Sorry but buying jewelry online seems like the perfect platform to ripped off. Counterfeit jewelry turns green. My advice to everyone is don’t do it!

  2. Next, I would never buy groceries online. Maybe I am just old fashioned or way to old school, but I like to see the freshness of my meats and vegetables in person before I buy. Plus, with the price of food rising steady, why would I want to add a delivery charge on top of my grocery bill. Therefore, I say no thanks to the “virtual supermarket.”
     3. Finally, I must say that I would never buy clothing online. In this day and age there seems to be a large variance in sizes. For instance, for me boots seem to run big in size when I purchase them they are usually a half size to big, and sometimes a whole size depending on the brand. Furthermore, I have noticed that some shirts that are made for adults look like they were made for kids. Again no thanks. I like to try my clothes on. Plus, if I have to return something I would rather keep the receipt and head back to the department store
Thus far, I have had success purchasing books, a calculator, and cologne online. I think that I got lucky with the cologne it was the real deal and about half the price. As far as books they are usually cheaper than the local book store. Personally I would rather buy everything in person, but sometimes the price is just unbeatable.